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HomeEventsParks On The Air at Millerton Lake SRA - New Years Certificate

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Parks On The Air at Millerton Lake SRA - New Years Certificate

Date and Time

Saturday, January 4, 2025, 8:00 AM until 2:00 PM


Millerton Lake SRA, on the Fresno County side of the lake near the boat launches.
Friant, CA  



Registration Info

Registration is not Required

About this event

This is a Parks On The Air event out at Millerton Lake SRA.  During the first 7 days of the year, you are eligible for a certificate for starting off the year with at least one contact, either hunting or activating. You can do your hunting from home if you would like.

I will be at my normal spot at Millerton Lake, in the Fresno County boat launch area, up the hill behind the cinderblock restrooms.  I hope to see you there.

Due to possible weather issues, I will post a cancellation notice the morning of the event if I need to cancel due to rain.  Please remember to check on-line before coming out if the weather is sketchy.  You may also call me at 559-269-6138.