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HomeCARP Repeaters

CARP Repeater System

Mile High Repeater Site

Approximate Coverage Map

CARP Mile High Repeater System (CMHRS) 

  • 146.865 – 141.3 | Analog FM (Online/Linked) K6ARP
  • 444.725 + 141.3 | Analog FM (Online/Linked) K6ARP
  • 224.380 – 141.3 | Analog FM (Online/Linked) N6JXL
APRS Digipeater - 144.390 (Online) - NI6M-2 

Clovis Water Tower
Approximate Coverage Map

Clovis Water Tower System (CWTS)

  • 443.225 + 141.3 Analog | ($514) P25 (Online) K6ARP
  • Standalone Mixed-Mode
    • analog PL 141.3
    • P25: $514 NAC*

    *If you hear digital “noise” on the frequency, please enable tone squelch of 141.3, that “noise” is a P25 signal/conversation occurring.


Kaiser Repeater Site

Approximate Coverage Map

CARP Kaiser Permanente Repeater System (CKPRS) 

  • 147.675 – 141.3 | Analog FM (Online/Stand-alone) K6ARP