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Parks On The Air at Millerton Lake
Millerton Lake State Recreation Area
Registration Info
Registration is not Required
About this event
This is a Parks On The Air event out at Millerton Lake, near the Fresno County boat launch ramps. I am usually located up the hill a bit behind the cinder block restrooms.
I will be setting up my equipment but if you have your own, you are welcome to come out and play POTA on your own equipment. If you are new to ham radio, this is a perfect time to come out and see some setups and the equipment involved. You would be welcome to get on the air using my equipment. If you are new to Parks On The Air, I can walk you through the setup, how to play, and some of the logging requirements.
The only facilities on site are the rest rooms. If you plan on staying for a while, please remember to bring any food or beverages that you may want.
Access to the park is $10.00 per vehicle but if you stop by your Fresno County library, you can check out a California State Parks Pass that will get you into the park for free. You just check out the pass like a regular library book.
At the moment, the weather forecast looks decent. Should the weather look sketchy and I decide to cancel, I will post a notice here as soon as possible. If it is looking bad, please check here for any cancellations so that you don't drive all the way out for nothing.
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